

Welcome to the website for


Wanbli Wiconi Tipi -

Juvenile Detention Center



We are a 36 bed Juvenile Detention Facility operated by the Rosebud Sioux Tribe through funding from the Bureau of Indian Affairs. We also have an 11 bed temporary holding area (booking).



"Wanbli Wiconi Tipi" offers structured care for tribal youth law violators and their families with special emphasis on the youth of Rosebud Sioux Tribe (RST). This will be done through a safe and healthy environment for the youth and staff. Adjudicated youth will receive contemporary schooling and services as well as tribal disciplinary practices addressing all aspects of the Lakota culture to restore cultural, societal, kinship values and healthy families.


The Wanbli Wiconi Tipi is a Lakota name given to the Facility by the elderly advisory committee. Prior to the groundbreaking ceremony in the year 2000 members of the elderly advisory committee came out to the site and seen two bald eagles fly in from the north. They flew directly over the site and exited towards the west. The eagle or "Wanbli" is a big part of Lakota Culture and is involved in every part of our ceremonies and celebrations. It is considered a blessing to have an eagle fly directly over you. Wanbli Wiconi Tipi translates to Eagle Life Center. It is the hope of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe that the youth who are served by the Wanbli Wiconi Tipi will fly high like the eagle and will live in a good positive way.


Like us on Facebook! Wanbli Wiconi Tipi Facebook Page

Video Tour created in partnership with the Justice Solutions Group: 

Video Tour Link


Responsibility-Take Responsibility for behavior.

Encouragement-Encourage peers to make better choices

Self-Control-Follow rules/expectations, keep anger in check.

Positive Attitude-Maintain a positive attitude/be a role model/leader.

Empathy-Consider other's feelings.

Constructive Criticism-Accept feedback without arguing.

Treat Others with kindness and Fairness -Reach out to others.



Mailing Address:
Wanbli Wiconi Tipi-JDC
PO Box 70
Rosebud SD 57570

 Physical Address:
26628 US Highway 18
Mission SD 57555

 Contact Number:
(605) 856-8701

"We are working for a better future."